Saturday, September 6th will mark the occasion of the second Groover's Paradise at Eaglewing Farm. Call it Groover's Two. Just for you.
Helping us out at this evening sing with supper-on-the-grounds are some serious folks that are gonna take us to the ZONE:: Secret Boyfriend (featuring Ryan Martin, of Boyzone fame), Felt Battery, Matt Bauer (from NYC), and Kurt Weisman and Raub Roy (aka Horaflora),who are currently sojourning southward (and presumably, at some point, westward) on a music bike tour. Yes, you read right- they are touring by bicycle. They call it the Cycledelic Music Trip. Tuff stuff.
Thee performers, gentlepersons all, are of the highest musical pedigree. Check some of those linkss and you will agree, Eaglewing Farm is where you need to be.
We'll stoke the grills up about 5 PM, and we will attempt to have music cracking by 7 PM. Please bring vittles and beer/wine/likker. Weather permitting, we'll do this thing outside. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please feel free to send this message to any folks that might be interested. This show is free, but a donation plate will make the rounds.
As usual, there will be no tipsy driving. If you've had too much to drink, you'll sleep in the yard.
To reiterate::
Saturday, September 6th
Groover's Paradise Two featuring...
Kurt & Horaflora
Matt Bauer
Felt Battery
Secret Boyfriend
Grills at 5 PM
Music at 7 PM
Donations encouraged!
Directions to Eaglewing Farm:
Take the 15/501 South towards Pittsboro.
Go left on Mt. Carmel Church Road immediately after crossing the James Taylor Bridge.
Go roughly two miles, and make a right on Clearwater Lake Road.
Make your first right down the gravel driveway; Eaglewing Farm is the first house on the left.
P.S. Many thanks to Jenks Miller, The Curtains of Night, Hem of His Garment, and The Sparrow Family for making Groover's Paradise One a smashing success.
P.P.S. Danny Kortchmar's "Kootch" pumping loud and proud down here on the farm right now. Get it.